Scholarship Granting Organization
We have exciting news to share with our Fenwick supporters! If you pay Ohio income tax, you have the opportunity to pay less and support Fenwick at the same time!
The state of Ohio has a tax program called Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO), which provides a tax credit to Ohio taxpayers (individual donors and pass-through organization) who donate to an SGO. If taxpayers donate to an approved SGO, they can receive a credit on their state income tax return for up to $750 per donor, or up to $1,500 if married and filing jointly.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has created an approved SGO through the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) for all schools in the Archdiocese! The Archdiocese has also created a website for the SGO that allows donors to select Fenwick and receive the tax credit while supporting our school at the same time. If you are interested, you can click the button below to make your donation.
When making your donation, please remember to select Fenwick High School.
We hope you will take advantage of this Ohio Tax Credit.
Your gifts to Fenwick allow us to offer programs that inspire our students to learn, to lead, and to love. This support propels our young men and women to thrive, creating a lifelong connection and commitment to Fenwick. For more information about the SGO, please click here.