Academic Profile
We invite you to review the 2019-2020 Academic Profile of Bishop Fenwick High School.
The Achievement Component represents whether student performance on state tests met established thresholds and how well students performed on tests overall. A new indicator measures chronic absenteeism.
Bishop Fenwick High School is a traditional four-year high school. This graduation rate looks at the percentage of students who are successfully finishing high school with a diploma.
The following areas from the state report cards are not applicable due to lack of the same school set-up and resources public schools have for tracking:
- Progress
- Gap Closing
- Improving At-Risk K-3 Readers
The Performance Index measures the test results of every student, not just those who score proficient or higher. There are seven levels on the index and schools receive points for every student who takes a test. The higher the achievement level, the more points awarded in the school’s index
Indicators Met measures the percent of students who have earned a score of 3 (“proficient”) or higher. It also includes the chronic absenteeism indicator. Test results are reported for each student who took a test in that area of content.