Campus Ministry Experience
Our Mission
Fenwick’s Campus Ministry program provides students the opportunity to grow in their faith and learn to integrate that faith into every part of their lives to become authentic disciples of Christ, encompassing the four Falcon Talons of faith, compassion, integrity, and service.
We strive to do this through our service and retreat programs, school liturgies and many different programs with which students can get involved.
Programs and Opportunities
The retreat program exists to bring students into deeper relationship with Christ and each other through prayer, faith sharing, and the Sacraments. Learn more about our retreat program here.

Faith Flock is an opportunity for students to grow in their faith and come together as a community every Thursday during flock block. On most Thursdays, Campus Ministry facilitates student choice days, in which all students sign up for an activity from a wide range of offerings. Some of these activities include small-group faith sharing, service projects, bible studies, prayer journaling, adoration, rosary, sports ministry, art/music ministry, Kairos 4th Day meetings, Class Mass and much more!
The Student Ministry Team consists of a group of upper classmen who feel called to be leaders in their faith. They are mentored by the Campus Ministers and receive regular faith formation so that they can be sent out as authentic disciples into the community. These students give personal testimonies, lead small groups and Bible studies, help lead the Freshman retreat, and much more!
Jammin’ with Jesus is every Friday during lunches. Students are welcome to eat in the Campus Ministry office for a time of fellowship, food, and Christian music!
On Friday, we celebrate with a Communion Service before school, and the chapel is open every first Friday of the month for Adoration throughout the day.
Fenwick celebrates all-school Masses with priests from our surrounding parishes and class Masses in the chapel on a rotating schedule. We also have Reconciliation services in Advent and Lent.
In November, we celebrate a Grandparent Mass. All students invite their grandparents to come to the all-school Mass and stay after for pie and coffee. It is a witness to our thankfulness for our grandparents and the faith they have supported in the students.
On the first Monday in Advent, the Fenwick community starts the day in the school’s main hall for a special Advent Prayer Service. This is a great witness to our awaiting the coming of our Savior.
Campus Ministry offers a different week-long Mission Trip every summer to various areas throughout the United States. It is a great experience of encountering Christ, transformation, prayer, and service, in solidarity with those we serve.