Scholarships and Memorials
Funding a Scholarship
By supporting an annual named scholarship or investing in a named endowment, your gift will go a long way in helping the young men and women who we are privileged to serve receive a quality Catholic education.
Bishop Fenwick High School encourages you to consider creating a named scholarship. All gifts are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in the annual Impact Report. To establish a named scholarship or learn more about the process in person, please contact our Advancement Office.
Annual Named Scholarship
An annual named scholarship can be created with a gift of $5,000 or more. Specific criteria can be established but must be consistent with the mission and policies of Bishop Fenwick High School. The Bishop Fenwick Scholarship Committee administers all scholarships according to the established criteria.
Endowed Named Scholarships
A named endowed scholarship can be established at Bishop Fenwick with a gift of $25,000 or more. Typically the principal of the scholarship remains intact, with the scholarship amount reflecting the interest earned from the previous year. Specific criteria can be established but must be consistent with the mission and policies of Bishop Fenwick High School. The Bishop Fenwick Scholarship Committee administers all scholarships according to the established criteria. Additional gifts can be made to the fund to grow the principal of the fund, thus adding to the scholarship amount for a student.
Bishop Fenwick High School is extremely grateful to the individuals and families who have provided scholarship opportunities for our students.
Named Scholarships
Atrium Medical Center Foundation Scholarship

The partnership with Premier Health – Atrium Medical Center began in the late 1990’s when the hospital was Middletown Regional Hospital later acquired by Premier Health. The financial support of Atrium Medical Center and their Foundation, coupled with their mission to improve the health and welfare of our community has benefited students and their families for decades. The Atrium Medical Center Foundation Scholarship provides two students annually with a $2,000 scholarship. Rising seniors demonstrating a desire to pursue a career in healthcare and compassion for others will be considered for this scholarship.
Salvatore and Kathryn Accurso Scholarship
Salvatore and Kathryn Accurso Scholarship

This scholarship was created by Salvatore and Kathryn’s three children - Donald ‘60, Daniel ‘67 and Annette - to honor their parents and their commitment to Catholic education. Both Salvatore (Tony) and Kathryn (Kate) were active volunteers and supporters of Holy Trinity School and Bishop Fenwick from the beginning, donating money to start Fenwick and supporting the Manchester Road building as well. During their 50-year marriage , they proudly gave their time and talent to numerous other charities in the Middletown area. This scholarship provides assistance to students with demonstrated financial need and is based on fund interest.
Father Richard J. Averbeck Scholarship

Father Averbeck served as Principal of Bishop Fenwick High School from 1979 until he died in 1987. Father Averbeck also taught religion and coached freshman football and was the associate pastor of St. John Church in Middletown. Father Averbeck was a caring and fair principal and a good friend to the faculty. The Averbeck family established this endowed scholarship to honor their brother’s commitment to Catholic education and his simple and humble nature. This scholarship is for a student with demonstrated financial need and is based on interest.
Kyle Babcock Memorial Scholarship

The Kyle J. Babcock Memorial Scholarship was established in 2005 in memory of Kyle. Kyle died in May of 2004 as a result of a car accident in his senior year at Bishop Fenwick High School. Kyle’s family created this scholarship to give financial support to a special Fenwick student who exemplifies the character of Kyle by how they handle life’s challenges and their ability to overcome adversity. This $2,000 scholarship is awarded to either a current or incoming student of Bishop Fenwick High School. Students apply directly to the Community Foundation of West Chester/ Liberty.
Arthur & Ann Bidwell Scholarship

Arthur and Ann raised seven children who graduated from Bishop Fenwick. Sixteen grandchildren also graduated from Bishop Fenwick. Because of their commitment to Bishop Fenwick High School and Catholic education, Arthur and Ann established this scholarship in 1993 to provide tuition assistance to students with demonstrated financial need and is based on fund interest.
Scott Bruggeman ’88 Falcon Warrior Scholarship

Established by Scott’s “foxhole friends” from Bishop Fenwick, this scholarship honors the spirit and character of their classmate. Scott made an indelible imprint in the lives of those who knew him, whether in school, on the football field, in combat, or service; his passion for life, coupled with a fearless mentality, created an instant connection. Scott was a man of courage and compassion who even in the worst of circumstances found humor in any situation. He dedicated his entire adult life to serving others first as a Marine, and then as an EMT and firefighter. This annual $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student of character who demonstrates the following:
- A desire to join the armed forces
- An appetite for and interest in public service such as fire, EMT, nursing, or police
- A selfless, compassionate, humble, fearless, and loyal person
- Adventurous spirit – “Hole in the Fence, Go For It”
The Civille Scholarship

The Civille Scholarship is a tribute to a selfless and generous man who has devoted his life to his faith, Catholic education, and his congregation. Inspired by Father Civille’s accomplishments, The Civille Scholarship was created to honor the magnitude of his contributions benefitting young scholars. His vision, leadership, and hope have guided Holy Family Parish and multiple Catholic schools with a positive impact for the community at large. This scholarship will be awarded annually in the amount of $2,000 to a graduate of St. John XXIII Catholic School attending Bishop Fenwick High School. The young scholar selected for this honor will embody Father Civille’s characteristics of service, compassion, and leadership.
Dobrozsi Family Scholarship

Dorothy and John Dobrozsi Jr. were involved with Fenwick from the early beginnings of the school. John was very active in the first campaign to open the school and volunteer activities including the Boosters Club, Fenwick Festival, and numerous fundraisers. Their five children are all Bishop Fenwick graduates: John Robert ’56, Ruth Ann ’59, Thomas Andrew (Pete) ’63, Janice Marie ’64, and Edward James ’67. After participating in many fundraising efforts over the years to benefit Fenwick, John and Dorothy established a scholarship in 1990 to forever provide financial assistance allowing the opportunity for future Falcons to attend Fenwick. This act of benevolence to establish the Dobrozsi Family Fund was a proud achievement for John and Dorothy.
Neil & Sally Enright Scholarship

The Neil and Sally Enright Scholarship was created in 1993 when Sally added Fenwick as a beneficiary in her will. When Sally passed in 2002, her legacy for Fenwick was put into action and continues to benefit students today. Both Neil and Sally knew the importance of a good education and felt that Fenwick achieved this goal. Sally and Neil raised four children who graduated from Fenwick: Carol ’55, Jerry ’58, Paul ’62, and Regina ’63. Neil and Sally had 16 grandchildren; 11 have graduated from Fenwick, and six great-grandchildren have graduated from Fenwick. The scholarship is based on need, requires an essay be written and submitted, and the recipient must be from Holy Family or St. Mary Parish.
Walter E. and Wanda Fening Memorial Scholarship

Walter and Wanda proudly raised nine children and were guardians to three nieces and nephews. They all attended Catholic high schools and nine graduated from Fenwick. For over 25 years, Dr. Fening served as the Fenwick team doctor; in addition, he was a long-time supporter of Fenwick and a champion for Catholic education. Because of Walter’s great love for Fenwick, Wanda created this endowed scholarship in 1992 to honor the memory of her late husband. Later, the Fening children added Wanda’s name to the scholarship in honor of both of their parents. This is a $500 scholarship for a student with demonstrated financial need.
Fenwick Falcons State Champion Football and Baseball Teams Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Bishop Fenwick High School classes of 1974, 1975, and 1976 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Fenwick’s first three State Championship Titles, all achieved between fall 1973 and the fall of 1974. It is dedicated to the memory of Thomas M. Bruggeman ‘74 and Roger David South ‘75, our two State Championship quarterbacks. Tom and Dave were great classmates and even greater men. This scholarship will be given to a student of demonstrated need who exhibits their leadership, service to others, loyalty to the Bishop Fenwick community and extraordinary courage, grace and humor in the face of adversity. A $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student selected by Fenwick faculty.
Dr. James and Florence Fiessinger Scholarship

Dr. James J. Fiessinger was a dentist in Middletown and longtime supporter of Bishop Fenwick High School. He served as Chairman of the Fenwick Festival and was President of the Booster’s Club. He and his wife of 37 years, Florence, raised 3 sons who all graduated from Fenwick: Mark ‘77, Doug ‘79, and Tom ‘81. Dr. Fiessinger passed away in 1993 and his wife created a memorial scholarship in 2011 to honor her husband’s love and commitment to Fenwick. This annual $1,000 scholarship is for a student with demonstrated financial need.
Harkrader/Rossi Family Scholarship

The families of Jerry Harkrader and John “Butch” Rossi ’53 established this scholarship in memory of Jerry and Butch. Butch Rossi worked at Fenwick for over 41 years as a teacher, coach, athletic director, dean of discipline, and principal from 1987-1993. Jerry Harkrader coached Fenwick football & track teams for 23 seasons beginning in 1956. Jerry is also a member of the Ohio High School Football Coaches Hall of Fame & Butler County Hall of Fame. Jerry and Butch both had great passion for Bishop Fenwick High School and its students. This renewable $500 scholarship is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need and who exhibit good citizenship. Applicants must also submit a letter of recommendation from their eighth grade teacher.
Heidi Hoehn Memorial Scholarship

Heidi Hoehn was an active parent, volunteer and supporter of both John XXIII and Bishop Fenwick High School. Heidi coached all of her children in soccer and also volunteered at numerous other non-profits. Heidi was also an active member of the Holy Family Parish. Heidi lost a valiant battle with ovarian cancer in 2004. Her husband Ron, and their five children - Kayli '06, Jessica '07, Emily '09, Zachary '12, and Joshua '15 - wanted to honor her memory by establishing an endowed scholarship for a student coming from John XXIII who has a demonstrated financial need.
Al, Olive, Fred and John Homan Scholarship

Al and Olive were devoted to Fenwick from the beginning, volunteering their son Fred ’57 to assist Father Julian Krusling on the many jobs needed at Old South. Al was instrumental in the early days of the Fenwick Festival, while Olive was behind the scenes, assisting the nuns or working in the cafeteria. In 1998, Olive executed a Charitable Gift Annuity with the Dayton Foundation that will continue to fund this scholarship into perpetuity. This scholarship is based on fund interest and is for students with demonstrated financial need and resident of Middletown.
Ralph and Betty Jackson Memorial Scholarship

This memorial scholarship was established by Ralph and Betty’s three sons: Tim '67, Jeff '71, and Mark '75. Betty served as the school secretary and assistant to the principal, from 1965 to 1984. During this time period, she worked for Fr. Krusling, Fr. O’Conner, and Fr. Neiheisel. Ralph and Betty understood the value of a Catholic education (Ralph graduated from Holy Trinity) and the sacrifices families make to educate their children. This scholarship provides assistance to students with demonstrated financial need and is based on fund interest.
Ray and Kitty Kelly Memorial Scholarship

This memorial fund was established by Ray and Kitty Kelly’s four children - Ray ’59, Kay ’62, Sara ’63, and Andy ’67 - as a testimony to the sacrifices and contributions made by their parents to Catholic education in Middletown. In the early years, the Kellys served on numerous committees, as Festival co-chairs, and in 1959, Ray was named Fenwick’s “Booster of the Year.” This $500 scholarship is for a student leader who exemplifies the spirit of Kairos and who also has demonstrated financial need.
The Barry Kilker “Merrymaker” Scholarship and the St. Francis DeSales Barry Kilker Award

Bill and Linda Kilker created two scholarships in memory of Barry, who died in May of 2004 as a result of a car accident in his senior year at Bishop Fenwick High School. The “Merrymaker” Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship and is for a student with demonstrated financial need who attended St. Francis DeSales. The St. Francis DeSales Barry Kilker Award is a $1,000 scholarship for an incoming freshman at Bishop Fenwick High School. This scholarship is awarded to a student who was an altar server and exemplifies the characteristics of Barry: kindness, sports lover, willingness to help, and a sense of humor.
Jack and Eileen Kiesewetter Memorial Marching Band Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2012 by Jack and Eileen’s four children - Karen Olson ’67, Kathy Herron ’69, John ’71, and Russ ’74 - to honor their parents. In the 1960s, Jack and Eileen were instrumental in helping establish the Fenwick Arts and Music Association (FAMA), the school’s first art and music booster’s organization. Both were firm believers in a well-rounded Catholic education, especially the importance of music and art education. All four of their children were four-year members of the marching band, drill team, or twirlers. Jack and Eileen remained active with FAMA even after their children graduated from Fenwick and for many years sponsored senior awards to graduating seniors who had been members of the Falcon Force. The Jack and Eileen Kiesewetter Memorial Marching Band Scholarship is a $1,000 renewable scholarship awarded to a current student who is a member of the Bishop Fenwick Falcon Force Band and has demonstrated leadership qualities within this group.
Jim Kodros “Koach K” Memorial Scholarship

Jim Kodros, commonly known to students as “Koach K”, was a beloved faculty member at Fenwick from 2003-2008. Jim worked as a guidance counselor, teacher, football coach, golf coach, and moderator for Key Club and Student Council. He and his wife, Lakmé, were parents to five children, three of whom were Fenwick graduates: Ryan ’04, Tyler ’06, and Breanna ’09. Jim died suddenly and unexpectedly in his sleep on January 2, 2008. Jim’s family created this scholarship in his memory to celebrate his love of Fenwick and the students he served. Jim was well known for the hope, faith, and inspiration he gave to others, as well as his wacky sense of humor! He brought respect to the words “coach” and “counselor” as he served the families of Fenwick with compassion and love. It was no surprise that Jim was awarded the Cristo Family Self Esteem Award, presented annually to a faculty member in recognition of outstanding compassion and encouragement of students at Bishop Fenwick High School, for the 2005-2006 academic year. The “Koach K” Memorial Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship benefiting a student with demonstrated financial need and who also has demonstrated community service and leadership skills.
Father Lawrence R. Krusling Memorial Scholarship

This endowed scholarship was created by the Fenwick Class of 1962 in honor of their 50th class reunion. Since this time others have made additional donations to this fund in honor of their reunion and to honor Father Lawrence Krusling. Father Lawrence Krusling was principal at Fenwick High School from 1956 to 1967. Father Krusling’s brother, Father Julian O. Krusling was Fenwick’s first principal. Father Lawrence was a very caring person, often times going above and beyond the scope of what was expected of a principal. This scholarship is based on fund interest and is for students with demonstrated financial need.
Greg Lemmel Memorial Scholarship

Greg and his wife Sandy valued a Catholic education, sending their four children - Todd '83, Trevor '85, Missy Lemmel Schuh '86, and Cristy Lemmel Hayes '88 - to St. Susanna Parish School and Bishop Fenwick High School. To continue Greg’s spirit of giving and because of his dedication and longtime support to both schools, the Lemmel family felt it fitting to create a memorial scholarship that would provide a $1,000 Scholarship to an eighth grade student from St. Susanna who is continuing his/her schooling at Bishop Fenwick High School. This scholarship is renewable each year. Students can apply directly to the Community Foundation of West Chester/ Liberty.
Frank A. and Patricia Lolli Scholarship

Frank A. and Patricia Lolli raised 10 children who graduated from Bishop Fenwick. They also have nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild who are Bishop Fenwick graduates. This scholarship was established by their family to honor their parents' love and commitment to Catholic education. This scholarship is for a student with demonstrated financial need.
Frank and Jeanne Long Family Scholarship

Frank and Jeanne began volunteering and supporting Fenwick in 1952, helping with the festival, boosters, school board, bingo, and various other work. Frank worked the ticket booth for 75 seasons (45 Basketball/30 Football) before retiring in 2013. Frank and Jeanne raised fourteen children who all graduated from Bishop Fenwick High School. Collectively, these graduates have earned 24 college degrees (15 undergrad and 9 post grad). They thank God for the gifts they have been given and Fenwick for properly preparing the next generation. Their family created this endowed scholarship in 2000 to provide tuition assistance to students with demonstrated financial need with a preference given to those from a “large” family.
Joseph S. and Mary M. Mulligan Memorial Scholarship

This memorial scholarship was established in 1990 by Joseph and Mary’s six children - Joseph P. ’55, Nancy ’57, Patrick ’58, Julmary ’59, James ’63, and David ’70 - as a tribute to their parents' dedication to Fenwick and Catholic education in Middletown. This $1,000 scholarship is based on demonstrated financial need.
Prosource Scholarship

At Prosource, our purpose is to make an impact every day for our customers, our communities, and our team. This commitment to making an impact is our “why,” and it drives the work we do both inside and outside the walls of our offices. We consider it an honor to contribute our time as volunteers and financial resources to make a positive and lasting impact on our communities. It is this deep commitment to our customers, our community, and each other that makes Prosource a truly exceptional company. Because of our long-standing relationship with Fenwick, Prosource provides an annual scholarship to a student with demonstrated need.
Vic and Ann Slezak Memorial Scholarship

Vic and Ann Gervasio Slezak came to America as children; Vic from Czechoslovakia and Ann from Italy. Both graduated from St. John High School in Middletown and attended St. John Church. They married in November 1941, just days before the Pearl Harbor attack. Within weeks, Vic was off to war, serving primarily in the South Pacific as an Army baker and cook. Upon his return they opened the Clock Restaurant and Catering. They were known for their generous contributions for many church and community fundraisers, particularly the American Cancer Society’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner, which they supported for more than 25 years. They made many sacrifices so that their children - Rose Slezak Huber '65 and the late Fred Slezak '68 - could graduate from Fenwick. Established in 2020 by Walt and Rose Huber, in honor of the Slezaks’ 100th birthdays, the Vic and Ann Slezak Memorial Scholarship is a need-based, renewable scholarship awarded to students who demonstrate the kind of faith, patriotism, and service lived daily by the Slezaks.
Bonita B. Taggart Memorial Scholarship

The Bonita B. Taggart Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Bonita Taggart, who passed away in 2020 after a valiant fight with breast cancer. Bonita was an active parent, volunteer, and supporter of both St. Francis de Sales and Bishop Fenwick High School. Bonita loved cheering on the Falcons at sporting events and was very active in the planning of the soccer team’s annual Cancer Awareness fundraiser and dinner. An art teacher by profession, Bonita was a passionate supporter of the arts including the Cincinnati Art Museum, Dayton Art Institute, and the Schuster Center for Performing Arts. This annual $1,000 scholarship is awarded to either a junior or senior with demonstrated financial need, as well as a passion and acumen for the arts at Fenwick.
Bob and Joan Tindall Memorial Scholarship

This endowed scholarship was established by Bob and Joan’s son, Tim ’85, to honor his parents and their commitment to Catholic education in Middletown, which spanned three decades. Joan’s mother’s family was one of the founding families of Holy Trinity Parish. Her great-grandfather did much of the wood carving and carpentry in the Clark Street Church. Bob wasn’t raised Catholic, but as an adult was a strong supporter of John XXIII and Bishop Fenwick. They served as members of the PTO at John XXIII, where Joan was also the volunteer librarian. At Fenwick, they were always involved with the Fenwick Festival and served as the Grand Prize Chairs. Joan was also an officer in the Fenwick Arts and Music Association. For a few years after his retirement from Armco, Bob was a substitute math teacher at Fenwick. This scholarship will be awarded to a student from Holy Family Parish and St. John XXIII Catholic School whose family has a demonstrated financial need and who shows leadership potential and a service commitment to others.
Jeanette Madaffari-Uhl Memorial Scholarship

Tom and Cher created this Memorial Scholarship to honor Tom’s mother Jeanette. Jeanette Madaffari-Uhl was passionate about most things in life, but especially her sons, family, friends, and Bishop Fenwick High School. Ms. Uhl was one of the many early parishioners that worked to establish Fenwick as an educational institution with an all-important football team. Although she did not graduate from high school, Jeanette was highly motivated and attended cosmetology school at night with plans of starting her own business. One week away from graduation Jeanette died unexpectedly. There is a saying that “all paths lead to nowhere, so pick the one with heart”, and Jeanette Madaffari-Uhl always took the path with heart. May her example of drive and determination live on with this scholarship.
Additional Named Scholarships
- Alumni Scholarship
- Barry Family Scholarship
- Carl and Angela Burgemeir Scholarship
- St. Peter Claver Scholarship
- John and Catherine Domanick Art Scholarship
- John and Louise Dorenbusch Scholarship
- Fritz and Helen Fetzer Scholarship
- Hurlburt Family Scholarship
- Father Krusling Placement Scholarship
- Fenwick Hardship Scholarship
- Fenwick Legacy Scholarship
- Bridgid Lyons Memorial Scholarship
- Father Chuck Mentrup Scholarship
- Thomas & Frances Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
- Jean Nesbitt Scholarship
- Jerold and Carolyn Pennington Scholarship
- Rina Rogers Memorial Scholarship
- Harold “Skip” Rouster Memorial Scholarship
- William and Patsy Sennett, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Mike and Stephanie Smith Scholarship
- Betty Spellmire Memorial Scholarship
- Sweeney Family Scholarship
- Bruce Trepanier Scholarship
Memorials and Gifts in Honor Of
The dedication and loyalty of the alumni and friends of the Bishop Fenwick High School community and Catholic education is a blessing… thank you!
Memorial Gifts
Many of our faithful wish to continue to help Bishop Fenwick High School students after they depart from this life, and many families fulfill this wish by requesting upon their death memorial donations be made to Bishop Fenwick from friends and loved ones. These gifts are earmarked for the schools Guardian Angel Fund established to fund tuition assistance for students who otherwise could not afford to attend Bishop Fenwick. Unless there is an existing named endowed fund or scholarship – in these cases, the memorials can be earmarked for the existing named fund. The donations will be acknowledged to the family of the deceased as well as published in the Falcon Network Annual Report issue.
Families of alumni and friends of Bishop Fenwick High School that would like to designate Bishop Fenwick as a benefactor of memorial gifts are encouraged to contact a member of the Development Staff. You may also want to consider establishing a named scholarship endowment fund in your family’s name.
Honor Someone with a Gift
Donations can be made in honor of a fellow classmate, faculty member, or coach in recognition of their significance in your life. In honor gifts are often made on traditional gift-giving occasions, anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, etc. The donation will be acknowledged to the honoree as well as published in the Falcon Network Annual Report issue.
How to Make a Gift in Memory Of or in Honor Of
- To make a donation by credit card, please click here. you may click on the donate link at the bottom of this page. Credit card donations can also be made given over the phone by calling the general Advancement line at (513) 727-1500.
- Donations made by check can be mailed to Bishop Fenwick High School. Please be sure to include who the gift is in memory or honor of on the check. Please mail checks to:
Bishop Fenwick High School (Attn: Annual Fund)
4855 State Route 122
Franklin, OH 45005