Fundraising Policy
What is a Fundraiser?
A fundraiser is defined as a practice that results in the accepting of solicited or unsolicited cash, goods, or services that are made on a voluntary basis for the purpose of supporting a project, program or a school.
Why Do We Have a Fundraising Policy?
Every day, the average person/business is bombarded with requests for donations. Additionally, parents/students are continuously being asked to participate in fundraising efforts at their day care centers, schools, churches, athletic organizations, and youth groups, etc. At Bishop Fenwick High School, our Fundraising Policy has three goals:
Goal 1: Minimize one-on-one solicitation.
Goal 2: Create an organized, concerted effort.
Goal 3: Provide funding for the school’s overall costs.
Bishop Fenwick High School's Fundraising Policy
- The Advancement Office raises funds for budget-relieving, school-sponsored activities and programs. Examples: Athletics, Fine Arts, STEM Program. No one is permitted to raise funds for individuals, clubs, teams, etc.
- All fundraisers must be approved by the Advancement Office. To make a request, complete a “Fundraiser Request Form."
- The Advancement Office must be notified and give approval before any planning, booking of dates, and solicitation of volunteers commences.
- The fundraising year is July 1 through June 30.
- There can be no direct fund solicitation of individuals, businesses, or foundations without approval of the Advancement Office.
- All funds raised by any fundraiser must be turned into the Finance Office immediately after the fundraiser, and total of dollars raised given to the Advancement Office.
- Student Council will conduct drives to provide in-kind support (gifts and food) to one designated organization and one inner-city school each year.
- Prior to the start of the school year, parents are to be made aware of all fundraisers anticipated for the academic school year.
- Fundraisers that use the name of “Bishop Fenwick High School” cannot be for the benefit or on behalf of any individual person.
- No in-kind gift can be accepted without the permission of the Advancement Office. Any in-kind contribution received must be for the benefit of the school and not a specific program or sport. Prior to an in-kind gift acceptance, details of the gift must be provided to the Advancement Office in order to be reviewed against the school’s budget and facility guidelines. All gifts of a tangible nature must be inspected before they can be utilized in school/athletic operations. Once received, gifts must be reported to the Advancement Office so the donor can be thanked and receive paperwork for tax purposes.
- Individuals may not solicit BFHS families for donations, memberships, or to purchase products nor distribute products on school grounds during school hours. Individuals may put information and/or signup sheets in faculty break rooms but may not actively solicit co-workers, teachers, or fellow students. This includes employees, students, families, and outside organizations.
Approved exceptions to the fundraising policy:
- Prom – Parents will be asked for in-kind support in preparation for prom.
- Athletics – Parents may be asked to help provide team meals.
- Fenwick Parent Association - Parents may choose to support approved association engagements.
- Football Team – Split-the-Pot raffle at home games.
Please contact Vanessa Mosley, Director of Advancement, at 513-804-3102 or at with questions.