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Faith Formation

Flock Block General Overview

The Flock Block program is a daily, 40-minute homeroom period designed to give students opportunities to connect with teachers, counselors, peers, and God through both structured and unstructured activities. 

Thursday Faith Flocks 

Thursday Flock Blocks, also known as Faith Flocks, are dedicated to faith formation, and are facilitated by Campus Ministry. 

Occasionally, these Thursday Flock Blocks are used for All-School Prayer Experiences such as All-School Masses, Reconciliation Services, Stations of the Cross, guest speakers, and our annual Service Fair and Commissioning Ceremony. 

On most Thursdays, Campus Ministry facilitates student choice days, in which all students sign up for an activity from a wide range of offerings. Some of these activities include small-group faith sharing, service projects, bible studies, prayer journaling, adoration, rosary, sports ministry, art/music ministry, and Kairos 4th Day meetings. 


Faith Flock Thursdays exist to give students the consistent opportunities to personally experience what they learn about in their Theology classes.  

We strive to meet students where they are at in their faith lives, help them wrestle with questions they have about the faith, give them the resources to pray, and challenge them to take that next step in their relationship with God. 

Our team of faculty and staff help lead these sessions and share their faith with the student body, regardless of what subject they teach. We often have individuals from outside of the community come in to lead a session as well. 

Student Reviews 

  • “I realized that God is really all around us and in our lives every day.” – BFHS student class of ‘26 
  • “I experienced a connection with God during one of the faith flock videos and it gave me hope that He is out there and real. That He is just waiting for us to give Him our all.” – BFHS student class of ‘25   
  • “I had a moment with God when I was making Christmas cards for the incarcerated because I knew God was using me as a vessel to spread the word of God with those in prison. I was being a vessel of his love to those who need to find him most.” -BFHS student class of ‘25 
  • “During a faith flock prayer experience, I made a connection with God when I realized how great it was to just be. To just breathe and rest with God. How nice it was to feel like it was only me and Him in that room” – BFHS student, class of ‘24 

Student Ministry Team 

Our student ministry team consists of a group of upper classmen who feel called to be leaders in their faith. They are mentored by the Campus Ministers and receive regular faith formation so that they can be sent out as authentic disciples into the community.  

Each student minister is on a specific committee to help run some of the Campus Ministry programs.  

  • Faith Flock Committee: several students are trained to give a personal testimony, lead bible studies, and small groups for faith flock sessions.  
  • Social Media Committee: This team helps spread the word about events coming up, liturgical reflections, Scripture passages, and retreat updates.  
  • Events Committee: They are also in charge of a few large-scale events throughout the school year, such as Adoration events and all-school activities. 
  • Breakfast Club: this program exists to help others who are not a part of student ministry grow in their faith. Every Wednesday morning, they will lead a session before school called “the Breakfast Club” where they will offer different prayer opportunities, formation, and community building over coffee and a small breakfast. Afterall, Jesus said in John 21: 12, “Come and have breakfast”.  
  • Jammin with Jesus: Every Friday during lunches, all students can come to the Campus ministry office and eat lunch to build community and friendship.  


The Sacraments exist for us to be physical signs of God’s love reaching out to us. We aim to help students encounter the beauty of God and His personal, enduring love for them through regular exposure to the Sacraments. Throughout the school year, we have several all- school masses and weekly class masses. We offer a Reconciliation service during Advent and Lent, where every student is given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance. Additionally, every first Friday of the month, we have Adoration in our chapel throughout the day. Parents can sign up to be adorers throughout the day to help make this possible.  

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